quarta-feira, novembro 14, 2007

auto-estima II

Levada a conhecer pela minha amiga Mariana, e compartilhando do mesmo problema, resolvi entrar no site e fazer também o meu teste de auto-estima. Adivinha? Mesmo resultado. Reproduzo o texto abaixo.

You have scored 48.
Many people think you are confident and in charge of your life. You're not so sure! It may be that you had a difficult upbringing with parents who were too demanding of you. Or perhaps you have Always felt that you're not as bright as other people think you are. Or maybe you feel unlovable.
If you're in a relationship, it's likely that you'll Often feel anxious about it. Sometimes you may worry that you'll 'muck things up'. You may also have serious concerns that your partner will 'find you out' and decide you're not worth loving.
[...] if you do a bit of work on improving your self-esteem, you'll find that you have fewer worries and that life runs more smoothly.

2 comentários:

d.m. disse...

poxa! crente que vc ia me tirar do buraco!!! :-)
amiga, o jeito e acordar, tomar banho, sair... e viver... tem coisas que nao tem jeito nao. eh reconhecer a dificuldade e desabafar no blog, para no dia seguinte acordar, levantar a cabeca, e continuar a viver :-)

Unknown disse...

viiiiiiiiixi... fiz 70 e deu que sou auto-confidente (e olhe que nao me considero tanto assim...) levantem o astral, meninas!